Comments Off on Houston´s Saint Arnold Brewing Company to hold anti-Life “Men for Choice” event

How about some political backlash to start your Wednesday morning?

Warning: Poorly written, extremely biased article. But I’ll address that. http://www.texasrighttolife.com/…/Houstons-Saint-Arnold-Bre…

Now, here is what I find interesting, there is quite a bit of backlash on the Saint Arnolds Facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/saintarnold?rf=104046736299848) But, you have to scroll down and look for “posts to page”

Now, this is a Facebook feature that is OFTEN overlooked. They are taking a beating over their choice to allow NARAL to host an event at their facility. It’s worth reading through, all of the comments that I read this morning are well thought out, and well spoken.

Now, if you slide over to Twitter, I only noticed one remark about the NARAL deal.

I am surprised that the outrage is mainly limited to Facebook posts to their page that the majority of people will never look at.

I am surprised that a namesake like Saint Arnolds would allow the event to be held at their facility. Especially since Saint Arnold himself was well, a catholic Saint. It seems to be a slap in the face to their namesake in my opinion.

Now, NARAL’s money is green just like every one elses. If Saint Arnolds had not allowed the event to be held on their grounds, there would be a massive uprising from the left calling the brewery biggots and other nasty liberal, “progressive” names.

So what is a brewery to do in this situation? What would your course of action been had you been the decision maker? Do you see this as a long term hurt for the brewery? Will it negatively affect sales? Team morale? etc?

Saint Arnolds has given extensively to charitable organizations in the past, will this overshadow all of their contributions?

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